google glasses product of google

google glasses is new and upcoming technology by google .its an increament in google products.its more reliable and easy to use .check out pics about google glasses.

 these are the pics of glasses
 glasses side views
 down view

front view


Google Glass is a project started by Google that is intended to bring hands-free display technology to the general public. By utilizing voice commands, users can interact with their Google Glass device to get information from their phones, participate in Google+ Hangouts or to get information from the internet. With a wireless data connection, Google Glass adds an augmented-reality overlay to whatever you're looking at, automatically bringing up relevant information from various Google sources. This is still a prototype project, but Google hopes to bring it to consumerssometime in 2013.
Google Glass is a unique device; there isn't much to compare it to on the technology market. You wear Glass as you would a pair of glasses, but it features an optical heads-up display that projects a display in front of your eyes. Interaction is by means of voice commands, accelerometer and gyroscope and a thin strip known as the “Touchpad” that runs alongside the right hand side of the frame. See alsoUsing Google Glass: 5 things we love, 5 things that need to get better (and probably will).

Glass shares some of its design DNA with smartphones: you can check email, post to social media, take photos and videos, search Google and download apps. But it is a radically different experience and is designed to sit alongside your smartphone, rather than replace it. Our Google Glass review discovers what it is like to own, and use Glass, in the UK on a regular basis.

Google Glass review: What it's like to wear and how it works

Google Glass fits snugly on your forehead by means of a thin metal band that wraps around above your eyebrows and tucks in behind your ears; two curved pieces of metal tips with plastic nibs fit this band snugly onto your nose. Along the right-hand side of Glass is a rectangular strip of plastic that curves above your right right-eye. In front of your right-eye is a prism projector that displays a small screen. ReadSamsung to rival Google Glass with Galaxy Glass.
When you look forwards you don't see the Glass device at all. But activate Glass (either by tapping on the side or tilting your head back) and you can see the display by looking upwards. It appears in the centre of your vision, and we found the Glass display to be reasonably clear but seethrough. Despite being in front of the right-eye, we found it appeared to be in front of both eyes (like looking at a television screen displayed on the wall). It took a small amount of time to get used to the weirdness of seeing a virtual screen, but within half an hour we were used to the Google Glass screen.
Glass feels impossibly light: the bare device (without the new clip-on frames) weighs in at just 36 grams (about the same weight category as a regular pair of glasses). We found it comfortable to wear to the point of quickly forgetting Glass is on our head. It also feels sturdy: Google introduced Glass with a skydiving stunt, and Glass stays in place during extreme activity.
We found it fine to use Google Glass when on foot, and cycling. It wasn't distracting at all, and the bonus of being able to capture photos and videos hands-free allows us to interact with the day's events in a way that wouldn't be possible with a camera or smartphone. We also love the natural nature of the shots we get, when you remove the physical device you snap people acting naturally, there is no “say cheese” moment with Google Glass photography.
Google Glass driving

Perhaps the only time we found Glass to be distracting was when using Directions when driving. Instead of displaying the route constantly, Glass pings every time you approach a junction, and the display fires up (a battery-saving measure) showing you where to go. We have concerns about using the Touchpad while driving, though. The status of Glass is somewhat unclear, it is theoretically illegal under the 1988 Road Traffic Act (which bars mobile phone use) but the Department For Transport is having talks with Google at how to make the device safer. For now, we'll avoid using it while driving.

Google Glass review: How to use Google Glass - voice, head and touchpad interaction

There are two primary means to interact with Google Glass: voice activated commands and the Touchpad that runs along the right hand side of the frame.
Glass is wakened by tilting your head backwards or tapping the right side of the frame (the display sleeps after just 15 seconds of inactivity). The Glass screen is not visible when you look straight ahead, instead you need to glance slightly upwards to view the display. This upward placement of enables you to ignore Glass while walking around, but view the display when you need it. Google describes it as equivalent to a 25in high definition screen seen from eight feet away.
The screen appears in a slightly translucent fashion, enabling you to view what is behind the display. It's blurry and while you can watch videos and browse websites, the Glass display is more for flashing up snippets of information.

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